Raw&Refined Commodities DOOEL - FYROM

The very first Raw&Refined Commodities company was registered in Macedonia in 2007, receiving a license to trade in, and distribute, electricity, № 02-1423/1 dated 17.09.2007, and to trade in gas, № 02-1426/1 dated 17.09.2007.
Within its portfolio, Raw&Refined Commodities has a major client in Macedonia to whom the supply of 170 000 MWh is planned in 2010. 
Macedonia finds itself a net importer of electricity and is dependent on electricity supply from neighbouring countries. This deficit in the generation of electricity forces both the Government and consumers to buy electricity from abroad. 
The gas market in Macedonia is poorly developed, witness to which is the lack of any share for gas in the energy balance of the country. The future development of this market will rely on investment in the infrastructure and consequent gasification of the country. The number of natural gas consumers will rise in the next few years, firstly due to the construction of gas-fired power stations, and secondly, due to the gasification of the southern areas of Serbia and the planned connection with the Serbian gas transport system.
As the country does not have its own reserves and there are no pipelines from Serbia and Greece, Macedonia has to import gas from Russia via Bulgaria. Even if Macedonia were to buy gas from alternative sources, supply would be extremely difficult as effective control of the gas supply chain across Romania and Bulgaria is in the hands of Russia’s Gazprom. As a result of this complex situation, the price of natural gas for Macedonian consumers is significantly higher than for those in the liberalized markets of Europe.


Raw&Refined Commodities takes upon itself full responsibility for conscientious enactment of all its duties to consumers of energy resources, for all European communities.


The European grid is unified and works in a parallel regime. Its synchronization is dependent on the system operators (TSOs), who use the grid and who have to pay especial attention to all issues of reliability, safety and security. Raw&Refined Commodities works very closely with the TSOs to meet every requirement and regulation, and to ensure maximum power at minimum risk, with minimal interruption to any work in parallel by UCTE or losses of power by them.